Best Calisthenics exercises for Chest
When you search on Google you may recognize that many people are looking for: how to get a bigger chest, chest progression exercises, chest workout, etc. That’s why we decided to make a beginner and advanced tutorial about the Best Calisthenics exercises for Chest.
Are you struggling with your weak and skinny chest or do you just want to know different ways of training your chest? We will tell you the best calisthenics exercises for the chest in order to let your chest grow!
You can make progression actually very fast if you use the right training methods. After every exercise, you can take 10 seconds rest before moving on. In this blog, we offer you a complete training guide: Including beginner and more advanced exercises. Are you ready for a bigger chest? Read this blog and watch the tutorial video down below!
Best Advanced Chest Exercises
Exercise 1 – Deep Ring Dips
The first exercise is the Deep Ring Dip. For this exercise you need rings. It’s important that you let your body drop as low as possible. This exercise mostly targets the lower chest. Aim for 10 repetitions.
Exercise 2 – Straight Bar Dip
The next exercise is the Straight Bar Dip, which is really good for building explosiveness for the muscle-up. Get on top of the bar and perform the exercise as deep as possible. This exercise also targets the lower chest. Try to do 10 repetitions. Afterward, you can take 10 seconds rest.
Exercise 3 – Archer Push-Ups
In this exercise, we are going to do Archer Push-Ups. For this exercise, it is recommended to use parallettes for a better grip. Put the parallettes pretty wide from each other. Now you can make a Push-Up movement sideways as you can see in the photo. Make sure that your arm is completely straight during the exercise. This exercise mainly targets the outer chest. Try to do 10 repetitions.
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Exercise 4 – Bend Arm / Elbow Planche
The last advanced exercise of this Best Calisthenics exercises for Chest routine is an isometric hold; the bend arm/ elbow planche. Get your parallettes again and bring your elbows to your hips. Try to move your shoulders as much as possible forward in order to create a lever to get your feet off the ground. This exercise mainly targets the shoulders and upper chest. Aim for a 10-second hold.
Beginner Chest Exercises
Exercise 1 – Ring Push-Ups
The first beginner exercise is the Ring Push-Up. The exercise has the same starting position as with the Deep Ring Dips, but this time we do a push movement and you don’t have to go as deep as with the Deep Ring Dips. This exercise of the Best Calisthenics exercises for Chest focuses on the lower chest. Aim for 10 repetitions.
Exercise 2 – Small Push-Ups
For this exercise, you need the parallettes again. Unlike with the archer Push-Ups, this time the parallettes are closer to each other. Once you are in the right position, you can just do the Push-Up movement. This exercise mainly focuses on the inner chest. Try to do 10 repetitions.
Exercise 3 – Incline Push-Ups
The third beginner exercise is the incline Push-Up. For this one, you can put your hands on a bar. If you don’t have a bar available, it’s also possible to use another elevated surface like a chair or couch. Once you are in the right position you can start doing Push-Ups. To make the exercise harder you can use a lower bar. This exercise mainly targets the upper chest. Try to do 12 repetitions.
Exercise 4 – Push-Up Hold
The last exercise of the Best Calisthenics exercises for Chest workout is the Push-Up hold. For this exercise, you need the parallettes once again. Get in the same position as with the Bend arm/elbow planche. This exercise focuses on the shoulders and upper chest. Try to hold the position for 20 seconds. We recommend doing 4 rounds of this entire routine and to take one-minute rest in between the rounds.