Want to start with Online Calisthenics Coaching?
Starting with Calisthenics on your own could be difficult because you don’t really know if you’re performing all exercises the right way. That’s why we would love to help you. We, Michael & Yannick, are Certified Calisthenics Coaches and offer Personal Online coaching in Calisthenics. Our goal is to help as many people as possible with their Calisthenics Journey in order to reach the biggest goal: becoming a real Calisthenics Athlete.
Are you at the beginning of your Calisthenics Journey, or already an advanced athlete? It doesn’t matter, we would like to help you to become the best Calisthenics version of yourself! Are you curious about what we have to offer you? Then don’t waste any time and read this blog!
Who are we and what can we offer you?
We are Professional Calisthenics Athletes
We are brothers named Michael & Yannick. We founded Calisthenics Family in 2017 and we already achieved a lot of things to be proud of. We are Professional Calisthenics Athletes and are also certified Calisthenics Coaches, specializing in international online coaching.
Our passion for Calisthenics began in 2016, the year we completely switched from fitness to this challenging sport Calisthenics. Today, we already achieved many great things, like our own gym and office. Furthermore, we are busy with many other incredible things. If you want to know more about who we are and our journey so far, we recommend you to read our inspiring story.
Certified Calisthenics Coaches
As you already read before, we are Certified Calisthenics Coaches. We did our study at the Calisthenics Education Institute and we gained all the necessary knowledge there! The Calisthenics Education Institute is the first and only one in the Netherlands which makes it really valuable. All of our Workout Plans have been put together with all of our knowledge learned in the practical and theoretical aspects of this education and our own experiences in the last years.
Online Coaching Calisthenics
We are mainly focused on International online Calisthenics Coaching. One of the things we offer is Personal Online Calisthenics Coaching, which is an 8 weeks online coaching plan. The Coaching plan is 100% personalized on your goals and. It’s a customized Workout Plan which makes it suitable for every Calisthenics athlete, from beginners to professionals. The coaching includes a Personalized Meal Plan, Weekly Check-ins, Feedback on Videos and Logbooks, and 24/7 Support of us! If you are interested, you should definitely follow the link to the online coaching page to read all the other benefits and more details!
Need help with your Calisthenics Journey?
Go to Workout Plans
Calisthenics Personal Training Nijmegen
Furthermore, we also have the possibility for you to follow your Personal Training with us, in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We have our own CaliFam Gym in which we have all the workout equipment needed for an awesome Calisthenics Workout! We have more than enough bars on every height, and of course, we have weights, Parallettes, and Resistance Bands. We also have a bench and a place to do squats! Personal Training is also possible in English. Contact us for more info. Next to that, we offer group lessons to learn Calisthenics Skills or to improve your basics.
Check out Our CaliFam Gym
Calisthenics Family Workout Plans
We hope that this blog gave you a better view of Calisthenics Family and what we have to offer you in terms of Personal Online Calisthenics Coaching as certified coaches.
Are you interested in following one of our workout plans? Then definitely take a look at our Full Journey Program, which is currently our best seller!
Or are you scared that you will make the same mistakes as almost any other beginner? You shouldn’t waste your time, just start your Calisthenics Journey in a safe and effective way with our Calisthenics Basics Course. With this course, you avoid beginner mistakes and definitely make super-fast progress.
Do you want to see and learn more Calisthenics? Subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram for more helpful and fun content and make sure to download the free workout via the green button!
Book us for workshops and private masterclasses or e-mail us for collaborations