10-minute Killer Jump Rope Workout for Beginners

Follow-along video

10-minute Killer Jump Rope Workout

Are you looking for Jump Rope Workout for Beginners? Then you are definitely in the right place. In this blog and follow-along video, we will show you a very effective 10-minute Killer Jump Rope Workout. If you want to lose weight and get shredded jump rope is a very effective way of working out. Jump Rope is actually a high-intensity workout that is very effective for losing weight fast and get rid of those extra calories. Don’t you have much time? Then this workout will fit your schedule perfectly! This Beginner Jump Rope Workout only takes 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes. Just keep going and keep the intensity high and you will notice the results quickly. Prepare yourself and follow-along our video. Good luck! 

Jump Rope Workout for beginners – 4 different variations

We are going to do 4 different variations at which we alternate between high-intensity and low-intensity exercises. We start this Jump Rope Workout with Regular Rope Jumps (low-intensity), the second exercise will be High Knee Rope Jumps (high intensity), followed by Switching Leg Rope Jumps, and last but not least we are going to do Crossover Rope Jumps. We perform each exercise for 30 seconds. After each exercise, we move on to the next one and perform that one for 30 seconds and so on. This Jump Rope Workout for beginners consists of 5 rounds of 2 minutes (each of the 4 variations for 30 seconds) which makes 10 minutes in total. The goal is to do this entire workout without taking any breaks. It will be quiet challenging, but really try to give everything you can. Do you need to catch some breath? Take a short break. Let’s get started!

Variation 1 – Regular Jump Rope

It seems clear to us that everyone knows how to do this exercise. Do 30 seconds of Regular Rope Jumps and move on to the next exercise without a break.

Jump Rope Workout for beginners - Regular Rope Jumps

Variation 2 – High Knee Jump Rope

Let’s make it a little bit heavier with a high-intensity exercise. Do 30 seconds of High Knee Rope Jumps. Make sure to jump high enough: at least in a 90-degree angle with your waistline and your knees. With this exercise, we work especially on the lower abs. After 30 seconds you directly move on to the Switching Leg Rope Jumps!

Jump Rope Workout for beginners - High Knee Rope Jumps

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Variation 3 – Switching Leg Jump Rope

Beginner Jump Rope Workout - Switching Legs Rope Jumps

Now we go back to a low-intensity exercise: Switching Legs Rope Jumps. Try to catch some breath while doing this exercise because the next exercise will be more intensive again. Do another 30 seconds before you move on to the fourth variation.

”It never gets easier, you just get stronger!”

Variation 4 – Crossover Jump Rope

Have you never done the Crossover Rope Jump before? No worries! It might look difficult, but it is actually a really simple technique:

  • Spread your arm wide;
  • try to cross the rope when it’s right above your head;
  • jump two times higher than you would with a regular jump rope;
  • you don’t have to cross each time you jump, try to do at least 10 crossovers in 30 seconds.

Are you finished with the first 2 minutes? Move on directly to the other 4 rounds until you finished the entire Jump Rope Workout! It will become heavy at some point, but don’t give up. You can do it!

Beginner Jump Rope Workout - Crossover Rope Jumps

Jump Rope Workout for Beginners | Follow Along

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We hope you enjoyed this 10-minute Killer Jump Rope Workout for Beginners and that you are going to do this, or one of our other workouts videos, more often. Not having time for a workout from now on belongs to the past as this Jump Rope Workout is only 10 minutes of your time. No more excuses ;)!

Are you looking for a solution to lose weight fast? We can help you! Not only with workouts like this Jump Rope Workout but also with our Weight Loss Workout Program & Diet Plan. We completed this program multiple times and the results were amazing! We made a documentary about it which is definitely worth watching if you consider starting with the Weight Loss Workout Program and Diet Plan. The program is suitable for everyone: from beginners to intermediate, for men and women and for each age!

Are you not looking for a workout program, but only for a Diet Plan? Then we are happy to help you as well! If your diet is not on point yet and you want to eat the nutrition that fits your goals, you should take a look at our Custom Meal Plan. This plan will be based on your personal preferences for 100%.

Do you want to learn more about Calisthenics? Don’t forget to download our FREE Beginner Workouts, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and follow us on Instagram for more inspiration!

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