calisthenics athletes online coaching calisthenics

Certified Calisthenics Coaches

Want to start with Online Calisthenics Coaching? Starting with Calisthenics on your own could be difficult because you don’t really know if you’re performing all exercises the right way. That’s why we would love to help you. We, Michael & Yannick, are Certified Calisthenics Coaches and offer Personal Online coaching in Calisthenics. Our goal is…

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The most comfortable Calisthenics Clothes

The Best Calisthenics Clothes When you have to choose your outfit for a Calisthenics workout, or just for a regular day, there are so many choices, but which clothes are the best to choose? We can tell you, with our own experience, and the experience of our customers, about the comfort of our own Calisthenics…

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Calisthenics Family Liquid Chalk

The advantages of Calisthenics Liquid Chalk

Advantages of Calisthenics Liquid Chalk Are you having doubts about buying liquid Chalk for your Calisthenics exercises? Probably, the answer is yes, because otherwise, you would not read this blog. This Barmania Pro X Calisthenics Family Liquid Chalk is being used more and more by Calisthenics Athletes, but not everyone has experience with the liquid…

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Calisthenics Family Best Resistance Bands Workout

The advantages of the Best Resistance Bands

Advantages of the best Resistance Bands Resistance Bands are a must for everyone who practices a sport. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or even a pro, you will have a lot of benefits with the Best Resistance Bands. Despite that, there are still many people with doubts about buying the Bands, otherwise, you probably weren’t…

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Tuck Plance Progression exercise

Tuck Planche progression exercises

Tuck Planche progression exercises  Do you want to unlock the Tuck Planche? Don’t search any longer, because you found the right teachers! We received a lot of messages about how to achieve the Tuck Planche. That’s why we decided to make a 5 steps tutorial about the most effective Tuck Planche progression exercises. Are you…

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Best Calisthenics Chest Workout at Home

Best Calisthenics Chest Workout at Home

Best Calisthenics Chest Workout at Home –  Tutorial Currently, most of the gyms around the world are closed because of Covid-19. That’s why most of you don’t have access to a gym to do a good workout. That’s why we decided to come up with the Best Calisthenics Chest Workout at Home. The workout is…

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Straddle Planche exercises

Straddle Planche exercises – step by step tutorial

Straddle Planche exercises  Do you want to unlock the Straddle Planche? Then you are at the right place! We received a lot of questions about how to achieve the Straddle Planche. That’s why we decided to make a beginner tutorial about the most effective Straddle Planche Exercises. Are you having troubles with the straddle planche…

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How to handstand for beginners

How to Handstand for Beginners – Home Workout

How to Handstand for Beginners   Everyone knows this Calisthenics Skill, the handstand. But, not everyone knows how to learn the handstand best and many people are scared to do the handstand. That’s why we decided to create a How to handstand for beginners tutorial. So, do you struggle with the handstand? Then take a…

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Human Flag Progression Exercises

Human Flag Progression exercises

How to Human Flag – Progression exercises Calisthenics involves a lot of sick skills which look really hard and almost impossible to master. Calisthenics skills do indeed look really hard, and many people think that they are not capable of performing the exercises. This is not true, most of the time it’s easier than it…

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Bigger Arms Workout at Home Calisthenics Family

Bigger Arms Workout at Home

Bigger Arms Workout at Home Most of the gyms in the world are closed right now, that’s why Calisthenics and bodyweight training gets even more important. You probably got here because you want bigger arms, but is this possible without weights? Of course! In this blog and video, we are going to focus on the…

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