Muscle Up Mastery

Calisthenics muscle up mastery course | Calisthenics family app

Unlock your Muscle up with our extensive Muscle Up Mastery Course. This workout consists of 3 workouts per week with only one goal, master the muscle up as fast as possible from any starting level. Already have some strength, for example, 5 pullups? Jump in at the intermediate phase and boost your progress from there. Have no training experience at all? Start with this plan from the beginning and master the foundations first.

  • Complete Muscle Up Mastery Course
  • Works on Technique, Specific strength, and Explosiveness.
  • Works up to the (strict) bar & ring muscle up
  • No training experience required to start.
  • 5 Levels from ultra beginner to expert
  • 75+ exercise videos

Jump in at any level and unlock the (strict) Bar Muscle up and Ring muscle up fast.

Calisthenics muscle up mastery course | Calisthenics family app
