The Calisthenics Journey of...

Akram El Missaoui

At the age of: 22
Location: Netherlands
Products: Beginner+ Meal Plan
Date: August 7, 2020
“I reached both goals: Being more Aesthetic and the Muscle up!!”

Beginner program (Aug, 2020) 
I personally really wanted to get a more aesthetic body and wanted to learn the Muscle up. I have always been doing taekwondo. With this I worked on my condition and got quite strong in my kicks. I always burned a lot of calories with my taekwondo sessions so I stayed lean but never really made any muscle gains. I saw Calisthenics as a sport that would contribute to my taekwondo training and my dream of becoming more aesthetic.

I knew Michael from high school and I asked him about his beginner program. I was not sure if it would fit me because I certainly was already quiet fit. He told me that it was necessary to start with the basic exercises so I could work my way up from there to ultimately reach my goal: The muscle up and being more aesthetic. So like he said I started with the program and the basics.

After 8 weeks I realized both dreams and I am happy that I chose to start with this program. There are so many exercises that has helped me to get more functional with my taekwondo while I also made more muscle gains and learned the Muscle up! This program pushed me to get everything out of my workout. For me personally, the logbook has played a crucial factor to this. With the logbook I knew my personal records so I had something to work towards. For example, I went from a maximum of 22 push-ups in the beginning to 63 in 8 weeks and from zero muscle ups to 3 muscle ups!

So for people that are like me and are able to do like 20 push ups, 10 pull ups and 12 dips I still would definitely recommend this program because there is so much more to achieve with bodyweight training!

Personal Mealplan (Aug, 2020)
Next to the Beginner Full Journey Plan, I also followed a personal Meal Plan because I wanted to get a more muscular body. From my taekwondo training, I was always lean and pretty skinny so I wanted to add some more size. With this Meal Plan together with the beginner progam I managed to reach my calisthenics goals and a better physique. I’m really glad I did this. Now I know how I should deal with nutrition in the future.

Muscle Up Progress


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