The Calisthenics Journey of...
Ardene Daems
Location: | United States |
Products: | Full Journey |
Date: | September 17, 2021 |
''Michael and Yannick have put together here a life-changing blueprint...''
Full Journey
I first discovered Calisthenics Family through an intro to calisthenics video on YouTube. I had been looking to start this new style of training for some time and was intrigued by their enthusiasm and straightforward approach to the sport. After watching more videos and reading their free Getting Started guide, I knew this was everything I needed all in one place. I bought their Full Journey program and haven’t looked back since.
In the three months since I’ve followed the program and dedicated myself solely to calisthenics training, I’ve been able to accomplish things I’ve only dreamed of for years. This past week I achieved my first muscle-ups. I’m now able to hold a free handstand for several seconds. My frontlever, backlever, and human flag are also seeing incremental progress with each workout, and I’m able to get a feel for what it will be like to master each of these skills with time. And with each workout, no matter how insignificant the extra seconds or the extra reps may feel, I’m continuously impressed with how I’m able to come back and do more than I thought previously the next time. My overall muscle mass and tonality has increased as a result of sticking to this program, as has my confidence and desire to keep achieving in this sport.
Michael and Yannick have put together here a life-changing blueprint– if you choose to use it as such. I would not recommend this to anyone looking for quick results. This style of training is impressive, yes, but I’m learning firsthand the skills and strength only come after months and years of patient perseverance on the bars, day in and day out.
Great work on the program boys. Here’s to the rest of this Full Journey!