The Calisthenics Journey of...

Berry Verkleij

At the age of: 29
Location: Netherlands
Products: Full Journey Plan
Date: October 7, 2021
"The program included exactly what I needed to proceed my calisthenics journey and within those 12 weeks I gained a lot of physical progress in both strength as well as tricks."

Full Journey Plan

I started doing calisthenics after the gyms shut down in December 2020. It was really another experience compared to lifting weights. The first month came along with a lot of muscle soreness. I focussed on learning the ropes of calisthenics. That on itself was a big challenge, but the results were real. I am following calisthenics family for quite a while on instagram and saw they offered a 12-week challenge. I registered immediately to purchase their ‘Full Journey Plan’. At the time I was stuck making little progress and training without a real purpose.

The program included exactly what I was needed to proceed my calisthenics journey and within those 12 weeks I gained a lot of physical progress in both strength as well as tricks. Half a year ago I only dreamt of doing muscle-ups, handstand push ups, frontlevers and human flags, but right now that dream is starting to become reality. I still don’t master it yet, but the foundation is set! For now, I can progress further with the current plan for at least a year since I am still at level 2 of 5.

I sincerely recommend this program and the content provided by men behind Calisthenics Family to anyone!

Transformatie Calisthenics


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