The Calisthenics Journey of...

Jan Klein Klouwenberg

Location: Netherlands
Products: Parallettes
Date: September 27, 2018
They also weigh surprisingly little and are (and stand) extremely sturdy.

Using these parallettes for 4 weeks now. I used a few homemade ones before, but they are not comparable to those of Calisthenics family. The parallettes are simply perfect, they are compact enough to take with you and at the same time are big enough to do different exercises.
They also weigh surprisingly little and are (and stand) extremely sturdy.
Also the thickness of the bar is very fine, these are thicker than the parallettes of other sellers and are therefore very nice for the hands. I think that with these parallels the new standard is set as to how they should be!
In short, a very good recommendation and for the price it is a nobrainer.

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