The Calisthenics Journey of...
Koen Janssen
At the age of: | 21 |
Location: | Netherlands |
Products: | Beginner + Parallettes |
Date: | October 18, 2017 |
“ With this program it was no longer necessary to search for programs and exercises on YouTube“
Parallettes (Oct, 2018)
I bought these paralettes from calisthenics family because I heard they are thicker than other paralettes on the market. The price of the paralettes for me was a bit of an issue for me as a student, but I guess with all things in life, if you want to have some quality products you need to pay for it!. I’m using the paralettes now for a month and I experience during training that I improve quicker in skills such as the handstand, planche etc. And I willenjoy the paralettes for a long time ?
Beginner Program (Oct, 2017)
If you have never done any bodyweight training and it seems fun to you to start with Calisthenics, then the 8-Week beginner Calisthenics program is a MUST-HAVE! Before 1 started this program I did calisthenics for half a year. I made my workout program based on many Youtube videos that I watched. That was sometimes very hard and frustrating. But with the program from Michael and Yannick that was no longer necessary. With this program it becomes very easy for anyone to start with Calisthenics right away and start making progress in a very short period of time!
Everything in the program is very well explained and you can also precisely check whether you perform the exercise correctly with the instructional videos. It is also very nice that you can track your progress with the logbook which comes with the program. This give you just that little extra motivation to keep going.
For people that do weightlifting or bodybuilding at this moment and that are interested in Calisthenics
I would also recommend to try this program because it will help you to start efficiently from the very
beginning. In my opinion it is much more enjoyable to be capable of performing hard and impressive
skills rather than lifting as much weights as possible. With this program every training is a challenge and you can just make endless progressions, that is what it makes it so much fun!
– Easy to jump in for everyone
– This program makes sure you will make progress as fast as possible
– Very well explained + perfect video material
– Logbook to track progress
-The only disadvantage that I have found is that the program comes in a PDFfile. Therefore, if you
click on a video you will be directed to a private Youtube video.It would be nicer if there was an online
cloud were users are able to log in so you won’t be linked to different web pages all the time (in this
case Youtube)