The Calisthenics Journey of...

Martijn Ruijterkamp

At the age of: 22
Location: Netherlands
Products: Multiple programs
“Michael & Yannick gave me just that little extra motivation. That’s why I did not fail for the first time.“
The Full Journey Package

I am so excited about this program. Within the first days of working with this program I just see myself getting more gains in the future en getting more motivated right now!

My calisthenics journey is now going on for like 10 months and within these months I can honestly say the most gains and motivated I only was with a program of Calisthenics Family. Even if you think you know a lot of excreties it is so hard to make this into a diverse and effective workout.

The full journey provides you with 4 various workouts on 4 levels. So 16 different workouts! I’m so excited to complete the journey because I found out a little surprise at the end of the program and then i’m a calisthenics master can’t wait to be the best version of myself I ever imagined.

I recommend this for all of you guys. Don’t doubt and get your journey now, because you will regret not starting and getting the gains you can get. You’ll make it just a lot harder for yourself without and it’s just unnecessary to go and try it yourself!


I’m now using the parallets from Calisthenics Family for about a month. And I am so happy that I bought them. Current excercises I use them the most for are handstand, push ups (variations) and l-sit. I already see big progression in my handstand!
What makes these paralletes for me better then other ones, is the thickness of it. U really feel great grip when you excercise and specially for handtand feels that more secure on the ground. They are not heavy so it’s easy to take them with you to the park. If i describe it in one worth: perfect!


I also wanted to change my physique. Michael told me that nutrition is key to see results in my physique. So I also followed a personal meal plan for 8 weeks. It helped me so much. I lost almost 5kg and therefore bodyweight training became much easier for me. Thanks to this mealplan I changed my physique and I feel comfortable with my own body now.

Beginner Program with Online Coaching

I have followed the online coaching program from Calisthenics Family for the past 8 weeks. I started this because I wanted to get fitter. I also wanted to have a good start with Calisthenics so I knew I wasn’t going to make any beginner mistakes.

During the online coaching Michael has helped me a lot and that has been key to my progression in the past 8 weeks. I am now able to do certain exercises that I would never thought off before I I started. The program is doable and the variety between skill and strength workouts is really nice.

I personally noticed that sometimes it can be hard to train 4 times in a week and that you have to give up on certain things in your daily life if you really want to progress. I experienced this, despite my big enthusiasm. The thing that pushed me to get through this was the online coaching. It worked as something that serves as a threat, because I knew I had to show my results after a week of training to Michael. When the week was over and I saw the positive comments on my hard work from Michael I felt really satisfied that I kept on going.

I personally would recommend everyone the online coaching. Especially for the people who are like me that have struggles with consistency and don’t know whether they are training the right way or not. The first step is maybe difficult, but together with Michael & Yannick I believe everyone is capable of realizing their dreams!


Beginner Program + Online Coaching Transformation

The Full Journey Program Review

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