The Calisthenics Journey of...

Ruben K

Location: Netherlands
Products: The Full Journey Package
Date: February 1, 2020
It's the first time I'm really following a program and I'm glad I went for yours.

The Full Journey (February, 2020)

8 weeks ago I started the Full Journey Program. I’m very happy with the results. It’s the first time I’m really following a program and I’m glad I went for yours. It’s a very clear and easy to follow program that has many smaller goals to work towards so the goals do not seem unreachable. The logbook is very motivating as well, it always pushes you to set a new personal record. It’s nice to look back and see how much I progressed in these 8 weeks. In addition to being in a better shape I’ve noticed that the exercises also really helped me get a better posture in general.

I’m really motivated to continue and am curious to see what I will achieve in the next 8 weeks. A few weeks in I also bought your parallettes. I think these are great and I noticed I progressed faster by using these.

Here are the photo results after 8 weeks:


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