The Calisthenics Journey of...

Sander Frieswijk

Location: Netherlands
Products: Personal Training
Date: November 15, 2018
"It was clearly explained what was important for me and why, technology, flexibility, mobility and strength. All facets were dealt with..."

My visit to Calisthenics Family,

After 4 months of training the basis, I was searching for people who could help me with my specific goals, handstand, muscle up and backlever. I’ve got in contact with Calisthenics Family through social media. I decided to make an appointment for a partial day personal training to work on my specific goals.

Soon I had an appointment and traveled from the north of Holland to Nijmegen. There was a whole program put together for me to help with my goals. Goal for goal it was clearly explained what was important and why, technology, flexibility, mobility and strength. All facets were dealt with. Very valuable, because I received hands-on tips on where to still profit for me and how I could work on it in my own training, super. That is why I opted for personal training, receiving reallife tips for my specific goals and my specific body.

It has also certainly been a wake-up call that there is still a lot to be gained in the basics for me. I’m Glad that I received these tips and tricks so early in my calisthenics journey. After all, you do not have to reinvent the wheel yourself.

Further that day, just good energy, It was so great to see two men full of passion with calisthenics and to see where that can bring you in two years. Very inspiring.

Guys, thanks a lot for everything and we’ll keep in touch!


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