The Calisthenics Journey of...

Simeon Moore

Location: England
Products: Calisthenics Basics Course
Date: January 8, 2021
''Both programs are awesome when looking to get into calisthenics for the first time or even progress further in your training.''

Full Journey, parallettes & Calisthenics Basics Course

I bought The Full Journey Program, the Calisthenics Family parallettes and the Calisthenics Basics Course.

Both programs are awesome when looking to get into calisthenics for the first time or even progress further in your training.
The Full Journey Program allows for easy introduction and stepping out of the exercises within each workout and what each workout aims to achieve.

The Calisthenics Basics Course helps with a lot of the integral movements and exercises to ensure correct form and reduce the risk of injury, all the while being interactive and engaging with videos and questions.

Lastly the parallettes, by far the best investment if you are looking to purchase some. I chose wooden parallettes from the start however none of the local types had a wide enough drip diameter. However, when using these I found a lot of pressure was removed from my wrist which allowed for more reps and ultimately better form.

I am now hooked on Calisthenics and am keen for the journey ahead. Stick to the process, enjoy this journey and the results will follow.

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