The Calisthenics Journey of...

Yazen Joudeh

Location: United States
Products: The Full Journey Package
Date: November 19, 2018
I can now do Muscle ups with a band, a wall handstand,  the frogstand and I work towards the one-leg backlever :) 

This is a fantastic and bold initiative to develop a ‘multi-year’ calisthenics plan. It’s easy for a calisthenics enthusiast to get lost by joining different YouTube videos or workouts for different skills and progressions. Calisthenics Family has set out a complete program for you to concentrate on the specific progressions for multiple skills. This way you can stop searching and start practicing! Another great feature is that each exercise has an associated video link so that you can see how the brothers demonstrate it. The videos have no audio explanation. So, if there is a question about a small detail, you might have to e-mail the coaches or in this case look for a more detailed video explanation online. However, the video demonstrations are relatively easy to follow.

Other notable features are that they summarize the requirements for each phase together with the goals for the end of that phase. In this way, if you advance for others with certain skills, you may need to adjust some of your exercises until you ‘catch up’. There is also an online logbook to keep track of your progress. I also appreciate the formatted forms available for printing for those of us who do not want to enter data with Excel online 🙂 In summary, this is a motivating program that establishes clear goals and progressions for multiple skills that go beyond the typical one-day training advice online, so that practitioners at all levels can benefit from this.

Here you can see some of my exercises during the program! I can now do Muscle ups with a band, a wall handstand,  the frogstand and I work towards the one-leg backlever 🙂

Yazen - 45 degree Backlever both legs!

Yazen - Wall handstand pulses

Yazen - Muscle ups! (assisted)

Yazen - Frogstand

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