The Calisthenics Journey of...

Yorick vd Boogaard

Location: Netherlands
Products: Full Journey Package
Date: May 11, 2021
''I am very pleased with your training program, really insane how much strength I have built up in those few weeks!''

Full Journey

Hereby my transformation of the 12-week Transformation Challenge. I followed the Full Journey and this gave me a lot of progression and power. It was not always that easy + an ankle injury from mountain biking which did not really help… but I am very satisfied with the results!

However, I am only at the start of my “Journey”, I am determined to complete the entire program and unlock all skills! About the Program, I want to say that everything is very clearly explained. The guys from CaliFam are always there for you. They are genuinely interested in your progress and they always keep motivating you, great class! If you want to get fitter and develop skills, I recommend this package! 5 stars!

In the coming period I will also pay more attention to my diet and then I will also become a bit leaner. I am very happy with your training program, it’s really insane how much strength I have built up in those few weeks!



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