Personal Calisthenics Training
With personal calisthenics training you will get 1-on-1 guidance according to your goals and wishes. We will prepare a program that covers everything that you need know to optimally work towards your goals. We will make sure that you can start or continue your journey without any mistakes that could slow down your progress or even lead up to injuries. With Personal Training we help you to reach your goals not only faster, but more importantly in a safe and enjoyable way!
Learn how to work towards your goals
With personal calisthenics training we do not just practice a set of exercises that add value for you. We will also teach you what is important for your specific body and how you should design your workouts to unlock your goal optimally. With this said, a personal calisthenics training session does not only include the practice of exercises, we also save time to share all the theory that’s important for you, which is in our opinion the most valuable aspect of Personal Training.
Strength & Weakness Analysis
To optimally reach your goals, it’s most important to know your strengths and weaknesses so you know exactly what you need to improve! All Calisthenics skills are compound which means that multiple muscle groups are working. Think about the frontlever, you are working your back, abs, lower back, shoulders, forearms and biceps during this move. It’s interesting to know which muscles are lacking to understand what’s the smartest aspect to work on. And that’s only about the muscles, there are plenty of other aspects that could lack, think about your joints, flexibility, mobility, endurance or explosiveness. During a personal training session we will analyse your body on all these aspects!
Crucial Tips on Technique, Flexibility, mobility & Strength
One single tip can already be a breakthrough, we have experienced this over and over again in our own journey. A few examples: Handstanding is all about hand- and finger placement while straight handstanding is all about shoulder flexibility. You can learn the muscle up in no time if you can do 8 pullups, it’s a matter of getting the right technique. Obtaining these kind of tips have personally helped us the most to progress!
Why reinvent the wheel? Consult the ones that have dealt with the same issues before!
Yannick Woerdman
- Certified Calisthenics Trainer
- Age: 22 years old
- Education: Graduated in Applied Mathematics, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
- 7 years fitness experience (2 years Calisthenics)
- Graphic Designer and Videographer
At the age of 15 I started lifting weights in the gym. I have always been fascinated about human strength. During that time I have been focusing more on strength building rather than bodybuilding. After a few years of training like this I noticed that I gained a lot of strength but I wasn’t flexible at all. I wanted to actually do something with the strength that I gained instead of just lifting weights. That’s where Calisthenics came in and it literally changed my life. During the last 2 years of calisthenics training I really got passionate about this sport! That is why I want to share the beauty of this sport and help people out with their own journey.
Michael Woerdman
- Certified Calisthenics Trainer
- Age: 23 years old
- Education: Graduated in Business Administration, HAN University of Applied Sciences
- 5 years fitness experience (2 years Calisthenics)
- Board Member of the Dutch Calisthenics Federation
- National Champion Strict Form Push-Ups
I’m Michael and my greatest passion is to help people out to achieve their dreams. I have always known that I wanted to work with people by giving them real support and guidance. I truly believe that every person can realize their goals, but only with the right tools, hard effort and good support. Calisthenics has changed my life and my mission is to change yours as well! I did not only gain a better body or learned some cool skills, but I actually got more confident and happier in life by living a healthier and enjoyable lifestyle. The process of moving forward together gives me so much joy and energy in life that it became an addiction to me. So, are you ready to change your life? Let me help you out!